The handy-dandy credit score referenceFriday Feb 12, 2010
What’s in a credit score? In short, your life. It can determine whether you get a job after college, get a car, your insurance rates, credit card APR, get a house…etc. Your spouse’s credit score can affect you as well. Having a good credit score is essential to going through life with less stress and retiring on time (i.e. not paying everything off like a mortgage, kids’ college loans and the like).
So, what is a good credit score? Here’s a handy-dandy reference for you:
700 or above
You’re in good shape but that depends on the specific credit scoring system. You’re looking very good for loans or anything you apply for. Keep up the good work. (723 is average).
700 to about 620
It’s not bad, but you’re not going to be getting the best rates you can. Expect to pay more
619 to 580
You’ve got some bad credit my friend. You’ll get a loan or whatever you’re applying for, but it will never be on your terms.
580 to 500
Good luck on building your credit back up. You’ll be brutally beaten by fees if you ask for a loan or by simple APR. But, you have to start somewhere, right?
499 or Below
Don’t even bother. You’re living on the street at this point or you need to get used to mom’s cooking again.
For students, it’s good to have an understanding about what your credit score can do. Understanding it in school where they have the option for student credit cards is an ideal place to start. Getting their credit score is easy and can be done in many ways online or through different avenues. Just look it up.
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