Credit scores....what are they? I really have no idea. But now that I know what a credit report is, I figured I should keep furthering my knowledge and learn about credit scores. It sounds important right?
To begin my journey, I started how every other knowledge seeking individual does.....I typed it into google. Naturally I clicked on one of the first search results that popped up. It took me to a quiz about a
free credit score....very interesting. The quiz promises I will know what it takes to have a good credit score after completion. This is exactly what I need.
The first thing I notice on the quiz page is a huge advertisement for "Free credit report dot com let's go" is now stuck in my head again. I hate that commercial. Anyways, the first question addresses factors that have the most influence on a credit score. The choices leave me with little doubt. Although I don't know much, I do know that delinquent credit accounts are not good for credit. Consistently paid credit bills will raise a credit score, while late accounts will significantly lower it. Boom, I am one for one.
The next question asks what would be a good credit score? Just the question I need to find out. Honestly, I don't really even have an educated guess on this one. I close my eyes and pick one of the four numbers given. I don't know how, but luck is on my side. I blindly picked the answer 680 and up which was correct. The range of "good credit" is 680-699. Who would have thought, two for two.
This quiz seems to be reading my mind because the next question asks why should I care about my credit score? The choices are all enticing, stating that I should care about my credit because I can save money with lower interest rates if I have a lower credit score, potential employers sometimes look at credit scores before offering positions, and some insurance companies sometimes base coverages off credit scores. They all seem to make sense. I picked the all of the above option and yes it's true....I am three for three on my credit score quiz!
Finally I am asked how do you find out if you have a good credit score? I am pretty sure that the answer is that you would need to order a credit report complete with your credit score. I never thought this day would come, but it did....I have a perfect score on my credit scores quiz. Not only have I gotten my first perfect score since my third grade spelling test, I also managed to learn a good amount about credit scores as well.