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A Few Special Rewards

Thursday Jul 23, 2009

Today's blog topic is credit cards. I know what you all are thinking. "Oh great, another depressing lesson on how our lives suck and what we are doing wrong!" Well usually I would agree with you, but not today. Today is a good day. Today is the day that you learn a little bit about how you can get rewarded for having credit cards. There will be no talk of debt, or interest rates, or any of that interesting information. Today I will be informing you about a few credit cards that provide extra-ordinary rewards. These rewards are legit!

I know I have already talked about this one, but it is so beneficial I thought that I would briefly mention it again. Sign up for a Washington Mutual credit card with online access and you will be able to view your credit score free. This is an unbelievable perk, and something that may not seem that great but as you know from all of my previous blogs..... this is very important.

Phone lovers pay attention. The AT&T Universal MasterCard from Citi, gives users up to 10% off their phone bill for the first 12 months. After that, the rebate is 5%. Very unique, and for people who just can't put down the phone, this one could be perfect for you!

If you are young, recently married, and just starting a family, this credit card is right up your alley. The Disney Rewards Credit Card will provide users with a discount on all Disney Theme Parks, discounts in all Disney Stores, and 0% financing for 6 months on the Disney Vacation package of your choice. If that is not enough, you can even have Mickey printed on your card so every time you go to make a purchase, you can see his smiling face!

Finally, for all of you sports fans out there, Bank of America has the perfect credit card for you. The Major League Baseball Extras credit cards are designed with your favorite team's logo on the front. With your first purchase you receive an official MLB jersey so you can cheer on your team in style. This credit cards allows users to use points for purchases to get game tickets and VIP access.

As you can see, there are very nice rewards that come with RESPONSIBLY using credit cards. And just so you know, I love Disney World and would not turn down a vacation offer....hint hint.

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