If you have saved up some extra money to start off this school year, then here are a list of items you will want to consider purchasing.
1. A new wardrobe - You have worked so hard these past few months, so it is time to reward yourself by heading over to the local clothing store and getting some new gear. A few hot clothing stores for college students include
H&M and
Forever 21.
2. A new cell phone - If you are still clinging onto a flip phone or an old Blackberry, then it is definitely time to upgrade. Try getting a new Android touch screen phone or even an Apple iPhone. This will make it much easier for you to text, email and converse with friends.
3. A new rain umbrella - You may think we are crazy, but The Brolly umbrella is the coolest umbrella to hit college campuses in quite some time. With its unique handle, you can text in the rain and it provides such a comfortable grip. Check out
Brollytime.com to see for yourself.
4. A new set of headphones - If you can afford it, then you may have Beats Audio in your future.
Beats, which was designed by Dr. Dre, produces award winning sound that will help transform any music that you are listening to. You will feel like you are seeing a live show when you put them on.
5. Last, but not least, buy a gift with your student credit card for a friend or loved one. Something as unexpected as a token gift can go a long way to helping your relationship grow and mature over time. You will look back and be so glad that you purchased a gift sooner than later.