Gotta get a student credit cardTuesday Mar 09, 2010
I just recently signed up for a student credit card and I have already made 2 payments on it. My max credit limit is only $500, but I love having a student credit card because I can buy things without having the cash up front. I have a job that I work at a few days a week so it’s not like I don’t have the money. I just like knowing that I’m slowly but surely building up my credit. If I keep making all of my payments on time, I’ll have great credit when it comes time to put money down on a house or purchase a car.
I think it’s a smart idea for all students, with jobs, to have a student credit card so they can build up their credit and also be able to purchase things that they want without having the money right then and there. If you don’t have a job and think it’s just an easy way to buy a ton of things, you’re wrong. You’ll ruin your credit and be in debt for a while. No one wants that. This is the perfect site to check out different student/non student credit cards and see which ones bests suits your needs. You want to make sure you find one that you don’t have to pay an annual fee on and that it has a low interest rate. Rewards/perks would be pretty nice too.

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